The article in the New York Times, like its companion piece in the Washington Post, is one long dog whistle. Its warning is not about Judge Barrett herself, who will fold into the life of the Supreme Court, but the possibility that others who share or are attracted to her active religiosity might be rising out there in the country to pose a threat to the secular dominance of America’s cultural mores that began some 60 years ago.
The new counter-belief system back then argued that shared community values grounded in religious belief—or virtue of the sort evident in the Barrett family—imposes unnecessary constraints on personal or private behavior.
Why this tension should have divided eventually into liberal versus conservative isn’t immediately obvious. There still are many liberal traditionalists. But it did. So now the possible appearance of a “conservative Christianity” needs to be delegitimized, or canceled, before it spreads. Perhaps it is a sign of the dominant culture’s lack of confidence in the durability of its own value system that its main tool of opposition isn’t argument but suppression and condescension. — Daniel Henninger
This observation by Daniel Henninger grabbed my attention: that the tension between secularity and religion seemed to have divided into the positions of the Left and Right. I agree with him, but I believe the reasons are clear. I believe that the dogma of the Left has rejected most of what the Right stands for: the importance of values, belief in G-d, the sacred, community, responsibility, compassion, and kindness—in other words, everything that religion represents. Of course, the Left has created a religion of its own, one that distorts religious values and creates division, hatred, and violence.
Unless and until we can bring the beauty, benefits, and meaning of religion back into the mainstream, the Left will continue to desecrate its purpose.
Do you see any signs of a restoration of religion in our times?
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