
Quote of the Day: Gone to Texas – Ricochet - Ricochet.com

“As for Texas, GTT will have consequences. The state welcomes its new residents as friends, but do many of the new residents know and understand the policy set that has driven them from one state, most likely declining and blue, to the Lone Star State?” — Bryan Preston, PJ Media, 12/8/2020

Thanks to Bryan Preston, I now know the acronym that I should have put on my Christmas card: GTT. And to answer his question, yes, I do know!

I can’t speak for the thousands of others who have been moving to Texas recently, but I very consciously fled the Democratic policies that have taken over in Virginia. I traded Democratic representation at the federal, state, and local levels in the Commonwealth of Virginia for Republican representation in my new home state. I love that I can now claim Ted Cruz as one of my senators, and was glad to vote for John Cornyn. Democratic policies were essentially chasing our family out of Virginia, especially those favored by the public schools. The coronavirus restrictions and the announcement of completely online learning tipped the scales in favor of leaving, but we had been preparing to escape even before those developments.

I don’t know what percentage of new Texas residents are similarly inclined toward conservative politics, but the stark difference between blue-state restrictions and red-state freedom feels so obvious that even left-leaving California refugees would get it. I hope. And yet, I moved to Virginia when its electorate was a reliable Republican majority. Over the course of 20 years, I watched the pro-growth (and pro-immigration) policies of Virginia transform the state into a laboratory for left-wing politicians. I’d like to avoid that happening in Texas, and I’m willing to do my part toward that end.

So I have a question for native Texans or long-term residents who made this move long before me: how I can I help?

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