
Quote of the Day: You Don't Have to Burn Books – Ricochet - Ricochet.com

“You don’t have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them.” —Ray Bradbury

For as long as I can remember, books were my closest companions. They took me to exotic countries and taught me about the cultures and the people who lived there. They invited me to go on mysterious investigations and introduced me to bizarre and silly creatures from another world and time. They became friends who let me tag along with them, play with them, and explore new ideas with them. In their presence, life would suddenly become intriguing and fun. There was always something new to learn.

Life would have been empty and lonely without them.

Today books have lost their charm and their prestige, although we live in a society that tries to give the impression it is literate. Once it actually was. But we should question whether being able to write Tweets and posting on Facebook enhances literacy. I would suggest quite the opposite: literacy requires commitment to words, to clarity, to articulateness, to expression. On many blogs, large and small, the primary commitment is to find the best way to insult, attack, and shame others; this process is a way to falsely elevate one’s self and discount others. It’s also a lazy and primitive mode of expression.

Instead, we should be celebrating the reading of books. In spite of the endless variety of books that people can read, they aren’t. It takes commitment to read a book from beginning to end, whether it’s a commitment to engross oneself in a novel’s storyline, or to be well-informed from a non-fiction book. Books can stimulate intellectual curiosity, a desire to learn, and an opportunity to grow. Ultimately, however, we must take action on those things that stimulate us.

Books can also provide a historical perspective on times past, creating a context for understanding our lives. They can also define our culture, or be a defining force for planning our lives. They are an invaluable resource for a society that seeks self-understanding and an ability to plan for the future.

My hope is that someday we will once again laud the benefits of reading books. It is such a precious and rich endeavor.

Published in Group Writing

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