
10 Inspiring Amanda Gorman Quotes To Make Your Day - SheThePeople

  • “The first bud of spring sings the other seeds into joining her uprising.

Amanda’s dream

In 2017, Gorman said that in 2036, she intends to run for the Presidential election and has quite often repeated this dream at various events. In 2018, when she was selected as one of Glamour Magazine’s “College Women of the Year”, she said, “Seeing the ways that I as a young black woman can inspire people is something I want to continue in politics. I don’t want to just speak works; I want to turn them into realities and actions.”

After listening to Amanda’s poem on the inauguration ceremony, Barack Obama took to Twitter to appreciate her. He wrote, “On a day for the history books, @TheAmandaGorman delivered a poem that more than met the moment. Young people like her are proof that “there is always light, if only we’re brave enough to see it; if only we’re brave enough to be it.”

Hillary Clinton, on the other hand extended her support for the poet’s 2036 dream. She tweeted, “Wasn’t @TheAmandaGorman’s poem just stunning? She’s promised to run for president in 2036 and I for one can’t wait.”

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