IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Strong-willed, mentally quick and courageous, when you're right, you won't give an inch. This year, however, you work on a team, and patience creates a very successful and profitable project. If single, don't be too anxious to please lovers. Your true soul mate comes along in May. If attached, you may be in a turbulent phase, but this smooths out soon. Then you are in bliss. LEO is super generous.
ARIES (March 21-April 19)
The sky picture brings a sensitive and sentimental mood to love. Photos, scrapbook souvenirs and walks along the cold shore will delight someone you care for. Devote the day to love magic. You deserve it. Tonight: A socially distanced dinner date. Don't be impulsive.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
Good health habits are a must today. Honour your body and serve healthy foods. An animal that strays to your door may belong to someone else. Don't consider it a permanent part of your household until you find out. Tonight: Early beddie-byes.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
Today promises sparkles and surprises in matters of the heart. Significant meetings and partings can occur. You always enjoy a challenge in love situations and can lose interest in someone who is too complacent. Tonight: Make up your mind. Don't think so much.
CANCER (June 21-July 22)
Thoughts will centre on home life and understanding family members. Avoid a change of residence. The move would prove unsatisfactory. Relatives can be entering new life stages, or a residence might need updating. Tonight: Be flexible. Conversations with and about relatives are revealing.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
Stay in familiar surroundings today. Vehicles can be unreliable or directions lost. Use care in communication during this time, for messages can be lost or misconstrued. Carrying a talisman of citrine for clarity can be most helpful. Tonight: The mental cobwebs are swept away.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Earning enough to pay for new treasures will absorb your attention today. Enjoy all that you have, rather than lamenting that which eludes you. You've been concerned about security. This trend will ebb. And your financial picture should grow promising. Tonight: Keep hope alive.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Your judgment is especially good today, so don't go through the usual agony about making a decision. Your instincts will lead you to the right choices. A new home, job or relationship can replace the familiar. Tonight: The final message is that it's time to grow.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Suddenly discretion is more important than usual. You will cherish your privacy today. You'll be aware of the secret worries and needs of others. There are opportunities to be helpful, almost acting like a guardian angel to those less fortunate. Tonight: You impress yourself.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Follow through with networking. Blend business and pleasure today. Don't take others for granted. Associates might not be as they first appear. Competitive situations are present. If you're the winner in a conflict, be alert to the possibility of poor sportsmanship. Tonight: Relax.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
You will be highly visible at work. Be aware of cycles and patterns in your social life. Friendships can impact your career. As 2021 gets underway, past life connections will become apparent in intimate relationships. Tonight: Expect a tense situation. Practice deep breathing.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Journeys of the mind as well as actual geographic wanderings will take you to new places in the future. Now, because of COVID, you cannot travel. But new concepts can broaden your outlook. Tonight: Reach out to a friend currently in a foreign land.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
Life is full of sparkle, but resist the temptation to control. Recognize and respect synchronicity. Allow destiny to play her hand, and you will triumph. The veil to the afterlife will be especially transparent. Tonight: Loved ones on the other side can communicate quite clearly.
BORN TODAY: Actor Clark Gable (1901), poet Langston Hughes (1902), photographer Vivian Maier (1926)
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