
Alabama House passes bill to require care for babies born alive after attempted abortion - AL.com

The Alabama House of Representatives has passed a bill to say that if a doctor attempts an abortion and the baby is born alive, the doctor must provide the same standards of care to preserve the baby’s life as any doctor would do for any baby.

The bill passed by a vote of 76-12 after some Democrats questioned whether it was necessary.

The bill is by Rep. Ginny Shaver, R-Centre. Shaver said she has worked as a crisis pregnancy counselor. She said a woman she counseled told her that her child was born alive after an attempted abortion and that the doctor did not provide care and the baby died.

Shaver said because of confidentiality requirements, she could not give more information about what happened.

Her bill says that a person with knowledge of that happening would be required to report it to the attorney general for an investigation. The woman who gave birth would not be held criminally liable.

Some Democratic legislators questioned whether the bill was needed.

“What you’re talking about is already illegal,” said Rep. Neil Rafferty, D-Birmingham.

The House passed a similar bill by Shaver two years ago but it did not pass the Senate. At that time, the bill drew opposition from some doctors. They said it addresses an issue that is “medically implausible” because Alabama prohibits abortions after the point in a pregnancy at which the fetus can survive outside the womb.

Today, the Republican majority voted to cut off debate on Shaver’s bill before passing it. It was the second time today the House voted to cut off debate. At least four of the bills on today’s agenda are opposed by the Democratic minority, which has tried to delay the votes.

Today’s vote sends Shaver’s bill to the Senate.

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