
Quote of the Day: Waging War on our Schools – Ricochet - Ricochet.com

“If the state-operated schools are now waging war on the nation’s moral, historical, philosophical, and religious foundations, then they would seem to have forfeited their legitimacy as the proper vehicle to carry out the mission with which the American People have charged them.”  — Former U.S. Attorney General William Barr

At first glance, we might not be willing to blame the state school administrators and unions for hijacking our schools so drastically and at so many levels. But, in fact, they have armed themselves with Leftist rhetoric, distortions of history, substituted an American philosophy with a racist ideology and regularly denigrated and undermined religion in multiple ways.

We tend to focus on the latest hot topic of school abuse: at the moment, Critical Race Theory is at the forefront. For many years this topic was taught without the parents or general public even knowing what children were being taught. Then some parents learned what was happening, most recently in Loudoun County in Virginia, and began protesting the brainwashing of their children with this propaganda. At first, the Left tried to explain what they were “actually” teaching; their explanations only inflamed parents. Then they denied they were teaching what parents insisted they were teaching. Now, they are trying to make believe that there’s nothing untoward going on; they are silent as protests continue. But their silence only validates their anti-American intentions.

Meanwhile, attacks abound on the other fronts mentioned: traditional morality is openly ridiculed in the face of moral relativism; the 1619 project continues to be part of the curriculum indoctrination, even though respected historians have pointed out its many omissions and errors; philosophy is buried in the doctrine of the Leftist ideology of equity, inclusion, and diversity; and religion is discredited as primitive myth. Essentially, school children are being flooded at every level of their education, which not only undermines the education process but creates tensions between the students and their parents, as both groups try to make sense of what is going on.

One thing is certain: public schools’ powers need to be denied or circumvented if we are to survive this assault on our beliefs and practices. It will be difficult, but we have no choice. We can no longer sit back and hope for the best. To the most ardent Leftist, this is the best way to transform America

By controlling our children.

Published in Education

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