
My Father, Born 100 Years Ago Today - by Michael Moore - michaelmoore.com

My father would have turned 100 years old today had he not passed away in 2014. He lived a long and good life with hardships I didn’t have to face — extreme poverty in the Great Depression, surviving numerous brutal battles in the South Pacific in WWII, etc. Us kids were lucky to have him as our father. Gentle, kind, funny — his hand always extended to those in need. I wouldn’t be who I am without him. He was grateful for his union (the UAW), he loved the Kennedys and Roosevelts, Tony Bennett and Springsteen, Francis of Assisi and “Amadeus.” He hated war and had hoped to live long enough to see a woman in the White House. You all woulda loved him. I miss him every day but deeply believe that he has never really left. As with all of us, how we live our lives, and the people whom we affect, is how we live on. Francis R. Moore lives on. Happy Birthday Dad!

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