The UAPTF has indicated that additional funding for research and development could further the future study of the topics laid out in this report. Such investments should be guided by a UAP Collection Strategy, UAP R&D Technical Roadmap, and a UAP Program Plan.
That’s from page 7 of the US government’s official report on UFOs.
I have a number of important questions about this topic, including these: Are the debunkers (here, e.g.) correct after all? If UFO phenomena were US military technology, would they even tell us the truth? Would the people officially tasked with investigating this even know the truth themselves? If these were in fact not terrestrial phenomena, might they be supernatural ones, a hypothesis I explore here?
But let’s set aside those questions and see what we can learn from the sentence I quoted. It’s an important sentence, but we have to look at its context first.
Part of the backstory is in Appendix B on page 9: This report resulted from the request of an earlier Senate report. The Senate report asked for, among other things, “Recommendations regarding the increased collection of data, enhanced research and development, additional funding, and other resources.”
And, on page 6 of the report, a section is entitled “EXPLAINING UAP WILL REQUIRE ANALYTIC, COLLECTION AND RESOURCE INVESTMENT.” That section concludes with our key sentence, which also concludes the report: It’s the final sentence before the Appendices.
And, in that final sentence, the Department of Defense Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force asks for more money to do additional research.
So Congress wanted to know how it should spend money, and the bureaucrats answered along the lines of “Well, we don’t know much about this super-important topic, but obviously future research is super-important. Here’s an outline of our research program, and obviously you need to give us some money for it.”
This does not prove that there are no aliens.
But it is, perhaps, the reason to be suspicious of the hypothesis that there are; insofar as our information relies on government sources who are asking for more money so they can keep us informed.
And it is, surely, the reason to be suspicious of the claims of those sources, and especially as long as those claims are used to justify the continuing funding of those same sources.
And it is, most certainly, another thing to be aware of in the sprawling, mutated octopus of the US federal government, whose very tentacles sprouted from the tentacles that first sprouted from the original three branches of government are now sprouting their own tentacles.
Anytime bureaucrats explain how important their work is and ask for money so they can do more of it, we ought to keep an eye on things.
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