
Quote of the Day: Plans – Ricochet - Ricochet.com

“If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.” ― Woody Allen

I am working on a book. (I know, I always am.) It is due in mid-October. The week before last, everything came together. I wrote 19,000 words in seven days. What makes that more remarkable was I did that on top of working 40 hours at a day job. Good stuff, too.  I still had the captions and the plate dialog to write, plus the instructions to the artist and map makers and a few other things, but with the main body of the text done, I was actually ahead of schedule. I could get it done on time. Maybe early.

Then Nicholas came visiting Monday night – Tuesday morning. Nicholas was a fast-moving tropical storm when it went over Houston. A minor thing. Some wind, a little rain. Came through it fine. No damage.

Then, Tuesday evening I lost power. After the storm passed Houston and was hours east of it. I had just finished a day at work. I had brought up my timecard to log my hours, and just as I entered the numbers . . . the computer went down. Power out.

It did not come back until Thursday evening.  Three days gone and I am again behind schedule. I was able to work at the day job Wednesday and Thursday by the expedient of going into the office. (It had power.) But I got no work on my book done. It was on my desktop at home.

What made it maddening was everyone around me except the block I live on had power. The people across the street had power. Only the transformer on my block was misbehaving. And the problem occurred well after the storm passed.

This happens occasionally. A raccoon or opossum climbs up the pole the transformer sits on and shorts out the transformer. (My late wife was convinced it was the local wildlife version of lover’s leap, where lovelorn critters went  to end it all.) Normally I call up the power company. They send a crew out. Power comes back on in two to three hours.

Except, there were no crews to send out. Nicholas had knocked out power throughout Brazoria, Galveston, and Harris Counties – and probably adjacent ones, too. Not just one piddly block, but whole neighborhoods and even towns. We had to wait until those were dealt with.

Now I am behind schedule again. But that’s just because I needed the challenge – and maybe God needed a laugh or two. No biggie, and back to work.

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