When Kristin Lammert was pregnant with her second daughter, Giuliana, her due date was so close to her first daughter Sophia’s birthday that Lammert felt confident Giuliana would be born on the same day: Aug. 25. No one believed her — but she wound up being right.
Three years later, her third daughter, Mia, also was born on Aug. 25, making the day three times as special for the family.
“We were just in disbelief,” Lammert, 32, of Oviedo, Florida, told TODAY Parents. “The closer we got to Aug. 25 and the more that we joked about it at home, the more I wanted it to happen. ... Actually, Sophia said that she was going to get a sister again for her sixth birthday. She was wanting that to happen and I thought, ‘Well, it could.’”
Each girl is exactly three years apart: Sophia is 6, Giuliana is 3 and Mia is almost 2 months old. One family having three children born on the same day is so uncommon that it’s hard to estimate the odds of it.
“It is extremely rare. … We’ve spoken to some statisticians and they say it’s really hard to calculate,” Dr. Christine Greves, an OB-GYN at Orlando Health Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies, who is not Lammert’s doctor, told TODAY Parents. “The Guinness Book of World Records holder is a family that have five siblings born on the same day and they listed that as being about one in a 17 billion chance.”
Greves also noted that just 5% of babies are born on their due dates. Sophia was born two weeks after her due date on Aug. 25 when Lammert was induced. When Lammert learned she was pregnant with Giuliana and her due date was Aug. 29, she suspected Giuliana could arrive sooner.
“I had joked that she could come four days early and the family was like, ‘Well, yeah but that’s probably not going to happen on its own,’” Lammert recalled.
In 2018, they held Sophia’s third birthday celebration the weekend before her birthday. After the party, Lammert went to the doctor and learned that her blood pressure was elevated. Medical staff decided to induce her and, at 10:30 p.m. on Aug. 25, Giuliana arrived.
“She almost didn’t share the same birthday,” she said. “When that happened alone that was pretty crazy and exciting.”
Little Sophia, who was 3 at the time, felt delighted.
“Sophia is very emotional about a lot of things in a good way,” Lammert said. “She appreciates the uniqueness and excitement of that.”
Since then, Sophia has been gleefully planning their co-celebrations.
“She thinks that it’s very special,” Lammert said. “She just loves that she’s sharing her birthday with her sister because she’s now had three birthday parties that have been joint birthday parties.”
Sophia always asks Giuliana her thoughts on the theme and Lammert makes sure each girl receives the same number of gifts and has the same number of guests.
“I get them separate cakes so they each have candles to blow out,” she said. “We try to separate it but make it a joint party at the same time. That way they both feel like special birthday girls.”
This year, the Lammerts planned the birthday party the weekend before Aug. 25. Following it, Lammert woke up and noticed her ankles were extremely swollen and she had a headache. Her doctors had been closely monitoring her because she had COVID-19 when she was 10 weeks pregnant and they knew pregnant people who contract COVID-19 were at higher risk of complications. It also meant that Mia might arrive before her September due date.
“My doctor said up to two weeks early. That’s when I looked at the calendar and I remember turning to my husband and saying, ‘Oh my gosh, Nick, two weeks before the due date is Aug. 25,’” she said. “He’s like, ‘No way.’ That was the moment I was like, ‘She’s totally going to be born on the 25th.’”
When Lammert visited her doctor regarding the swelling and headache, it came to light that she had preeclampsia and the doctors wanted to deliver Mia. Mia is healthy, and she’s settled into the family quickly. She just started sleeping for longer chunks of time and her older sisters fight over who gets to hold her more.
“Mia’s just enamored by Sophia and Giuliana’s voices and she smiles at them,” Lammert said. “It’s really precious to see the three of them interacting together.”
Still, sometimes mom and dad can’t believe that they have three daughters born on the same day.
“It’s very unique. Honestly, I don’t understand it myself,” Lammert said. “Sometimes I go and stare at their birth certificates. I’m like, ‘They actually all have the same birthday.’”
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