
Quote of the Day: Your Mouth Matters – Ricochet - Ricochet.com

I just watched a truly wonderful film, Terrance Malick’s A Hidden Life, the story of Franz Jägerstätter, a Austrian who refused to fight for the Nazis. He was given the option of working as an orderly in a hospital even he wouldn’t serve as a soldier. But he still would have to pledge a loyalty oath to Adolf Hitler. This he would not do.

Franz was arrested and eventually sentenced to death. His priest came to see him shortly before his execution in 1943. The priest told him, “God doesn’t care what you say with your mouth, only what is in your heart. Say the oath and think what you like.

There are any number of occasions where conservatives are encouraged these days to mouth words that we don’t believe. College students with progressive teachers are told to just parrot the woke jargon, get the grade, and live their true lives after graduation. Employees in diversity training courses are told just to check the right boxes and perhaps even nod as they are chastised for being of the wrong skin color, confess the guilt of their race and sexual preference, and then they’ll just get back to work. Don’t say all that you really think on Twitter or Facebook or Instagram or you might be banned and then you’ll never get the new hot film takes or see your grand daughter’s birthday party or watch the hottest new dance steps.

So just shut up or if you have to say something, say what the gatekeepers want you to say. After all, God doesn’t care what you say with your mouth, only what is in your heart. 

But what if this isn’t the case?

Jesus said, “I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” (Matthew 12: 36 -37)

Just sayin’.

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