
Quote of the Day: Chronic Hysteria of the Democrats – Ricochet - Ricochet.com

Democrats are running around like they found a hair in their biscuit.  — Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy

In his usual irreverent and amusing away, Sen. John Kennedy soundly takes down the Democrats. He focuses on their obsession with turning those events that aren’t catastrophes into devastating predictions, ignoring inconvenient facts when they shouldn’t, and making up stories when it serves them well.

We only need to look at the “catastrophes” that plague our planet: climate change, including the use of fossil fuels; Republicans who hold office, particularly former President Donald Trump and his policies; COVID-19, which is sure to kill everyone in every country. When it comes to ignoring inconvenient facts, they bury their heads regarding the disaster at the border; the inept approach to the Iran deal; the people who have been abandoned in Afghanistan; and the container ships stuck in ports. And they are especially skilled at lying about situations, such as the rise of inflation and the cost of the latest legislation; who’s at fault for the rise of gasoline prices; and the lack of revenue we’ll garner from new taxes. And ignorance and lying combined have both reached a new high with COVID-19 vaccines and treatments.

The left, however, is going to discover the limitations of chronic hysteria. It’s like the boy who cries “Wolf!” If you do it enough times, it becomes second nature, and everything — I mean, everything — is a crisis. Eventually, I suspect that people will start to realize that in a country like America, there’s a lot to appreciate, and they will tire of the hysteria barrage.

There are so many opportunities for manipulating the propaganda and behavior of the populace. I was just in a Walgreens today, and almost all the customers were still wearing masks. So many people feel compelled to obey the powers that be; others are incredibly fearful that death lies in wait just around the corner. So, they do their best to survive.

There is one undeniable fact: We are all going to die.


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