
Quote of the Day: Facts – Ricochet - Ricochet.com

“Facts don’t care about your feelings.” – Ben Shapiro

I have used this once before, but if ever there was a quote that summed up this week this is it. We have seen it in the lefty reactions to the Rittenhouse verdict. It is a giant cry of “Don’t confuse me with facts. My feelings tell me he is guilty.”

Of course, he was innocent. Watch the videos, go over the court testimony and the facts are obvious: this was a clear-cut case of self-defense. Yet to many on the left, the facts are irrelevant. It is all about the feelz.

I once had a boss who kept telling me: “You’ve got to understand. It does not matter what the facts are. Perceptions are everything.” We were discussing a Shuttle-related technical issue, one directly connected to safety. I responded, saying. “If your perceptions are the plane is flying straight and level at 10,000 feet and the facts are that you are at 500 feet and spinning in then your perceptions are going to get a reality update within three seconds.” Because it really did not matter what you felt. Facts were going to intrude.

Facts always matter more than feelings — as was demonstrated Friday.

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