
Quote of the Day: Political Conversations – Ricochet - Ricochet.com

“You can’t hold political conversations with people that are calling you evil.” – Ben Shapiro

We saw this in the run-up to the November 2 elections. Oppose CRT in the classroom? “Racist! Evil,” cry the Democrats. Oppose vaccine mandates? “Racism! Only evil people oppose vaccine mandates,” cry the Democrats (despite the fact the most vaccine-hesitant groups are minorities). Think daughters should be protected from predatory males who will dress up in women’s clothing to gain access to them?” “Racist! Homophobia! You are EEEEVIL,” cry the Democrats (again despite the fact the rapist was white and very obviously heterosexual, since he was going after members of the opposite sex – wolf in sheep’s clothing anyone?).

We saw it after the election. Durr, the truck driver who defeated State Senate President Steve Sweeney is being tarred as a racist for anti-Islamic statements. The press is arguing he is evil incarnate and some are arguing he should not be allowed to take the seat to which he was duly elected. In Virginia, the governor-elect, lieutenant-governor-elect, and attorney general-elect are all being labeled as white supremacists – even though one is a female and black and another Hispanic.

Consider this:

The one on the left (according to Democrats) is the tolerant, right-thinking politician. The one on the right is an evil white supremacist.

You cannot hold political conversations with people who believe that nonsense. You can only do what was done last November 2 – vote them out of office.

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