
BRISTOL BITS: Tully celebrates his birthday today - The Bristol Press

Today’s birthdays belong to attorney Dan Tully and former Bristol resident Diane (Laxar) Houston. Friday belongs to David Puskarz.

George Gamache

George called me the other day regarding Harvest Bakery, a subject first brought up by Judy Kelly. He said it was where the Zbikowski Post is located on North Main Street, across from the Polish Club. He added that it was owned by a Mr. Barth at the time, and he had family who worked there many years ago.

Lucetia Harus

Lucetia writes about another recent topic, the old SNET building on lower Main Street:

“I remember working at SNET as an operator, doing directory assistance (What number please?).There were only two of us at night in the 1960’s.”

And during this time, she writes, there was a man - not from or in this area - they were aware of who wore green clothing and was killing people.

“Even though he wasn’t local, we knew we were alone on the job upgrading paper directories when suddenly a door opened and we saw (someone wearing) green pants and our hearts started beating and we realized it was one of our outside technicians, the late Bing Rossiter.”

(Note: A question was asked recently about that building and what it is used for today. I’m told that there are Frontier trucks parked in the yard at the building, and I’ve seen them from time-to-time.)


I recall when Bristol Eastern and Worcester Polytechnic Institute grad Gerry (or Jerry) Sergey used his first name. Actually, and I didn’t know it at the time, but his real first name was Chet or Chester in being named after his father. I have a nephew, Robert, and they call him Robbie to differentiate from my name.

In fact, my sister-in-law at the time asked my wife and if we were going to name a son after me. Not. Thus she used this especially great name Robert (Bob) for one of her sons. Just babbling!

Anyone have a story of naming a child?

Shout out

Today’s shout out goes to New York State resident Terry Burke, who grew up in Bristol and was a first team All-State basketball player in 1962 for Bristol Eastern. Terry was a talented and quite popular guy through his four years at the school.

Merry Christmas to you, Terry, and outstanding family members.

John Fortunato

Every so often, I like to recall an individual who I had known. Today it’s John Fortunato, the co-founder with me of the Bristol Sports Hall of Fame. When we first got together in late 1996, I had no idea of who he was and what he was capable of doing. Me, I was a naive fellow with regards to the navigation of things around town.

John had experience in dealing with those in government and business, and I learned a lot from him. First of all, to work hard to achieve your goal. Not that I’ve ever been lazy, just inexperienced in getting something special accomplished, such as the Hall of Fame.

I thank John for all that he taught me.

Contact Bob Montgomery at bmontgomery@bristolpress.com or call 860-583-5132.

Posted in The Bristol Press, Bristol on Wednesday, 15 December 2021 17:10. Updated: Wednesday, 15 December 2021 17:13.

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