This one is from Alfred Hitchcock, quoted by Edward White in his book “The Twelve Lives of Alfred Hitchcock”:
“I’ve come to believe that a hidden future is one of God’s most merciful and exciting gifts,” he once wrote, expounding his theory of never taking anything too seriously. “We can live in a state of chronic despair, or we can live with faith in the future, even though it is hidden from us.”
As White points out immediately after the quote: “this is completely at odds with the other things he spent half a century telling us about himself, that he was a bag of nerves, terrified of everyone and everything. It also runs counter to his obvious obsession with his work, one that he took home with him and chewed over every night. In describing his routine during filming, he said he would rise early to think through the challenges of the day ahead. His family recalled that this tended to occur about three in the morning, not the sign of a pacific mind.”
I saw this book at our library’s new-books display while there to get a few holds. I picked it up on a whim and wasn’t anticipating anything special, but it was an excellent book. It’s got me wanting to find and rewatch some of Hitchcock’s films like “North by Northwest,” “The Man Who Knew Too Much,” “Dial M for Murder,” and “Rear Window.”
Also, even though it can be difficult, I will try to continue to live with faith in the future.
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