
Quote of the Day: Slow It Down – Ricochet - Ricochet.com

Until we realise who is runnin’ the show
there’ll be variant strains that’ll come and go
all the vaccine in the world cannot fight a secret foe
if the virus ain’t the problem but the people in the know
slow it down . . . .

Dr. Dave Robbo does philosophy and music. His YouTube page says, “Dr Dave is an author, poet, song-writer, singer, surfer, academic professor, and Christian existential philosopher.”

The song has a line about armed guards at the border. I’m not sure what the problem with that is; that just sounds like borders to me.  I’m also not sure that anyone is running the show–anyone organized, that is.  It might just be a bunch of loosely aligned interests.  (Loosely aligned, flawed, and all too often and to varying degrees morally and/or legally corrupt.)

Anyway, I like the song’s timely message.  The bit I quoted is given three times, with variations: “all the efforts to contain it,” “all the vaccine in the world,” and “all the willpower in the world” are all useless against the virus if the real problem isn’t the virus.

“Slow it down.”

Also, we need to know more.

What do you think?

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