
Quote of the Day: The Year of Creativity – Ricochet - Ricochet.com

“I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.” – Michelangelo

The year 2021 has been filled with disappointments, disasters, and death. We’ve seen confusion and fear escalate over the coronavirus, lies and distortions continue from the powers-that-be, and it’s hard to fight a sense of helplessness as we approach the new year. Each of us, in our own way, however, has a way to fight through the passivity and the frustration that has dominated our country. We must face government ineptness and the indifference to the struggles of our citizens. We have to remember that as the most creative beings on the face of the earth, we have the ability to transcend our problems and breakthrough our perceived boundaries.

We may not see ourselves as great artists, but we have the potential, each in our own way, to “see the angel in the marble” and release ideas that will free us from those who want to imprison us with their malignant ideas. We can create beauty, possibility, and we must fight the doldrums that are tempting us to just give up and give in.

Many years ago, I made a habit of telling people I wasn’t creative. I wasn’t an artist in the traditional sense of the word, nor did I see myself as the source of original ideas. Finally, one day, someone challenged me: of course, I was creative! Human beings are meant to be creative! I decided to take that person seriously. Bit by bit, day by day, I tested my creative juices. I tried not to denigrate my efforts, nor exaggerate my successes. Today I am humbled and gratified to say that I am a creative person. There are many, many people more creative than I am, but I strive to use the skills and talents I have to make a contribution in whatever I do.

Every day provides a seedling of hope, an opportunity to unleash the power and creativity behind my commitment to life and to freedom.

We must persist. Let’s make 2022 a new beginning, a restoration of hope and liberty, a year of creativity.

Published in Group Writing

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