
Woman wins millions after suing mom's doctor for allowing her to be born - India Today

A woman took her mother's doctor to court for allowing her to give birth to the child and won millions in damages. The 20-year-old woman, Evie Toombes, who suffers from spina bifida -- a spinal defect -- and spends her days attached to tubes, claimed that had her mother been properly advised, she would not have been born.

She claimed that if her mother's doctor, Philip Mitchell, had advised her mother to take follic acid supplements to minimise the risk of the spinal defect affecting the baby, she would have delayed her pregnancy and Evie would not have been born.

Judge Rosalind Coe QC backed Evie's case and, in a landmark judgement in the London High Court, ruled that had her mother been properly advised, she would have delayed her pregnancy.

"In the circumstances, there would have been a later conception, which would have resulted in a normal healthy child," the judge ruled, awarding Evie rights to millions in damages.

"I was advised that if I had a good diet previously, I would not have to take folic acid," Evie's mother told the court, backing Evie's claim.

Evie is a showjumper and has competed against both disabled and able-bodied riders.

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