
Quote of the Day: Churchill on Family Size – Ricochet - Ricochet.com

“One to reproduce your wife, one to reproduce yourself, one for the increase in population, and one in case of accident.” — Winston Churchill

This was his formula for family size. It is one Janet and I subscribed to, although we only got to three. (Fortunately, there have been no accidents.) It seems anachronistic today. The better sort have been decrying increase in population for nearly a century because it will lower global standards of living. (This despite fewer people living in abject poverty today than in any time in history — even though we have nearly three times the world population as we had when family planning became a crusade for the “progressives.”) China embraced a one-child policy that is leading it towards demographic disaster over the next 20 years, despite their efforts to reverse it. So let’s hail Churchill’s formula for children.

I mention this today because my own children are working towards this goal. My third grandchild (and granddaughter) arrived on Tuesday, January 18. I arrived in San Antonio yesterday to help my son and daughter-in-law with her for a week. They have named her Sophia Thien Ia (which is Vietnamese for “beloved of God.”)

Life is good.

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