Christopher Cole of the FDA, not knowing he’s on camera:
Biden wants to inoculate as many people as possible.
So you’ll have to get an annual shot. I mean–it hasn’t been formally announced yet, ’cause they don’t want to, like, uh, rile everyone up.
The drug companies, the food companies, the vaccine companies–they pay us hundreds of millions of dollars a year to hire and keep the reviewers to approve their products.
If they can get every person required at an annual vaccine, that is a recurring return of money going into their company.
So, they give you more money, yes, that’s great, and it increases the chance of approval.
Well, the dirty stuff is never really publicized. I mean, you see, there’s more pressure. There’s more pressure to approve something.
This is from Project Veritas. Here is the first video of Cole’s remarks, and here is the second.
This isn’t exactly Fox Mulder getting testimony from a man inside The Cabal on how the vaccines are designed to fill our blood with microchips and/or kill people by the millions. This is just ordinary human weakness and venality. This is the corrupting influence of power and money.
This puts some pretty damning criticisms of the FDA right in the center of Ockham’s Razor territory, and it’s bad enough without a cabal or microchips: The FDA’s approval of a Big Pharma product, like Covid vaccines for kids, is influenced by money from Big Pharma.
I think Cole deserves some credit for his awareness of the problem, especially towards the end of the second video and in this remark:
And all these, like, uh, organizations within FDA, they, like, started to see all this cash in their eyes. It’s like, oh, I need to grab some of that. And I think we’ve gone too far on that.
And what’s the solution?
More light of day, for a start. Let’s have some Congressional hearings on these shady processes. Let’s have some more hidden cameras, more whistleblowers, and more journalism–and not just from Project Veritas! But thank Heaven we do at least have Project Veritas! And let’s have a few million more people learn about this, and then another few million, and a few more after that.
And then?
And then–reform.
I don’t know the details myself, but I’m guessing the details will probably be pretty clear if we shine enough light on this mess.
Some of the details are probably clear enough now, but I’ve typed enough already, and many others on Ricochet will probably know what to do better than I would. So now it’s your turn!
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