
Quote of the Day: 'Two Weeks in Philadelphia' – Ricochet - Ricochet.com

“The first prize is a week in Philadelphia.  The second prize is two weeks in Philadelphia.” — W.C. Fields

To be perfectly honest, this wasn’t my original post for today’s Quote of the Day.  (I might get that one out the door a bit later.)  But–as sometimes happens–events overtook me while I slept, and I woke up to a headline this morning to the effect that Joe Biden has agreed to a meeting with Vladimir Putin, just as long as Putin meets certain conditions, and doesn’t invade Ukraine beforehand.

What a buffoon.

Does anyone think that Joe Biden survives even the first round in the ring with Vlad, who–let’s face it–isn’t exactly Corn Pop?

I’m betting that Putin has already sketched out what ‘winning’ looks like to him, that he’s going to do exactly what he wants to do, and that–no matter how hard they try to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat–Biden, Harris, Blinken, and Austin will end up looking like the fools and dupes they are.

And what do I think will happen if Putin executes Plan B and invades Ukraine before the summit Joe is so desperately trying to maneuver him into?

I think Putin has probably considered that option too, and that–in a scenario that will get him even more of what he wants in terms of prestige and credibility, accrues even more to his benefit, and feeds his yen to be known as the strongest and most interesting man in the world–he just might settle for second prize:

Two meetings with Joe Biden.

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