NEGAUNEE TWNP, Mich. (WLUC) - 66 years ago today, TV6 broadcasted over the airwaves for the first time. And of course, Upper Michigan Today had to celebrate!
But first... the news of the day, in party hats.
Upper Michigan Today celebrates TV6's birthday.
Don Ryan and Steve Asplund share early memories of working at TV6.
A look back at TV6's history.
Elizabeth and Tia (try to) take on Don and Steve in TV6 trivia.
Elizabeth and Tia go head-to-head with Don and Steve on TV6 History.
and finally the hard-hitting stuff: a chicken buckquet.
Upper Michigan Today celebrates TV6's birthday.
Happy birthday TV6!
You can watch Upper Michigan Today on FOX UP Monday through Friday at 9 AM.
Copyright 2022 WLUC. All rights reserved.
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