
30+ Father's Day Quotes to Celebrate Your Amazing Dad - Father's Day Sayings - Prevention Magazine

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You’ve already got the perfect grill lineup ready to go and picked out the most thoughtful Father’s Day gift (and if not, here are some last-minute Father’s Day gifts guaranteed to make Dad’s day), so this year’s Dad’s day will be the best one yet. And if you find it difficult to put your love into words, we’re sharing some sweet Father’s Day quotes that are sure to do the trick.

Whether this is your first Father’s Day to celebrate a new dad, or you’ve been partying for Dad for many years, you’ll want to commemorate the special occasion with the perfect photograph. After all, your dad has been a presence of love, support, guidance, and encouragement from day one, so he deserves the very best on his special day.

From well wishes from daughters and sons to loving sayings straight from wives, partners, and everyone in between, there’s a perfect quote to celebrate Dad today. Create a cute DIY card with a quote, add warming words to your social media posts, print something special onto a banner to put over his desk, or decorate his Father’s Day morning pancakes with these adorable, funny, and memorable sayings.

We pulled together the best Father’s Day quotes to caption your special day photo and more to celebrate every dad, grandfather, uncle, partner, brother, friend, or other father figures in your life, including funny sayings and quotes from everyone in the family.

1 Linda Poindexter

“When my father didn’t have my hand, he had my back.”

2 George Herbert

“One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters.”

3 Anonymous

“Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, storytellers, and singers of songs.”

4 Anonymous

“A dad is someone who wants to catch you when you fall. Instead, he picks you up, brushes you off, and lets you try again.”

5 Anne Geddes

“Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad.”

6 Keith Urban

“And I only hope when I have my own family that every day I see a little more of my father in me.”

7 Michelle Obama

“My father taught me to work hard, laugh often, and keep my word”

8 Dan Zevin

“Lately all my friends are worried they’re turning into their fathers. I’m worried I’m not.”

9 Clarence Budington Kelland

“My father didn’t tell me how to live. He lived and let me watch him do it.”

10 Jim Valvano

“My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person: He believed in me.”

11 Chelsea Clinton

“[My father] always provided me a safe place to land and a hard place from which to launch.”

12 Emile Gaboriau

“A father is the one friend upon whom we can always rely.”

13 Anonymous

“Some people don’t believe in heroes, but they haven’t met my dad.”

14 Terri Guillemets

“I love my father as the stars – he’s a bright shining example and a happy twinkling in my heart.”

15 Marisol Santiago

“A girl’s first true love is her father.”

16 Anonymous

“Behind every great daughter is a truly amazing father.”

17 John Mayer

“Fathers, be good to your daughters. You are the god and the weight of her world.”

18 Michael Ratnadeepak

“No one in this world can love a girl more than her father.”

19 Harper Lee

“She did not stand alone, but what stood behind her, the most potent moral force in her life, was the love of her father.”

20 David Jeremiah

“A girl’s father is the first man in her life, and probably the most influential.”

21 Nitya Prakash

“Confident women are raised by loving dads.”

22 Marinela Reka

“Being a daddy’s girl is like having permanent armor for the rest of your life.”

23 Gregory E. Lang

“A daughter needs a dad to be the standard against which she will judge all men.”

24 Hedy Lamarr

“No man I ever met was my father’s equal, and I never loved any other man as much.”

25 Fanny Fern

“To her, the name of father was another name for love.”

26 Anonymous

“A happy family is a reflection of a good father and a loving husband.”

27 Reed Markham

“Great fathers don’t find fault. Great fathers find solutions.”

28 Anonymous

“The only thing better than having you for a husband is our children having you for a dad.”

29 Anonymous

“My Father’s Day gift to you is letting you pretend to be in charge of the family for a day.”

30 Anonymous

“I always thought you’d make a great dad. Now, I know it.”

31 Anonymous

“I never knew how much I loved your dad, until I saw how much he loved you.”

32 Anonymous

“To the world, you are a dad. But to our family, you are the world.”

33 Reed Markham

“The quality of a father can be seen in the goals, dreams, and aspirations he sets not only for himself, but for his family.”

34 Anonymous

“Let's be honest: we make really good looking babies.”

35 Anonymous

“Life smiles at me every day with you by my side. I’m blessed to call you my husband and the father of my children.”

36 Terri Guillemets

“Every son quotes his father, in words and in deeds.”

37 Gabriel Garcia Marquez

“A man knows when he is growing old because he begins to look like his father.”

38 Johann Schiller

“It is not flesh and blood but the heart which makes us fathers and sons.”

39 Charles Kettering

“Every father should remember one day his son will follow his example, not his advice.”

40 William Shakespeare

“When a father gives to his son, both laugh. When a son gives to his father, both cry.”

41 Frank A. Clark

“A father is a man who expects his son to be as good a man as he meant to be.”

42 James A. Baldwin

“If the relationship of a father to son could really be reduced to biology, the whole earth would blaze with the glory of fathers and sons.”

43 Billy Graham

“The greatest tribute a boy can give to his father is to say, ‘When I grow up, I want to be just like my dad.’”

44 C.S. Lewis

“An almost perfect relationship with his father was the earthly root of all his wisdom.”

45 Frank Pittman

“Fathering is not something perfect men do, but something that perfects the man.”

46 Tim Russert

“The older I get, the smarter my father seems to get.”

47 Anonymous

“You can tell what was the best year of your father’s life because they seem to freeze that clothing style and ride it out.”

48 Dave Attell

“When you’re young, you think your dad is Superman. Then you grow up, and you realize he’s just a regular guy who wears a cape.”

49 Hillary Lytle

“Dads are like chocolate chip cookies; they may have chips or be totally nutty, but they are sweet and make the world a better place, especially for their children.”

50 Ryan Reynolds

“Being a dad isn’t just about eating a huge bag of gummy bears as your wife gives birth. It means being comfortable with the word hero.”

51 Anonymous

“‘Don’t tell mom’ is the best advice you ever gave me.”

52 Anonymous

“Happy Father’s Day from your favorite mistake.”

53 Anonymous

“Fatherhood is one of life’s best reasons to need a little extra coffee.”

54 Anonymous

“Congratulations, Dad. It seems I turned out perfectly.”

55 Anonymous

“Who are these children and why are they calling me Dad?”

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