
Quote of the Day: Courage - Ricochet.com

God grant me the courage not to give up what I think is right even though I think it is hopeless.  – Chester Nimitz

It is easy to look at what is going on in the world and feel despair. Things look hopeless. Crime seems out of control, inflation is running wild, there are shortages of life’s necessities, and a real possibility of a nuclear exchange exists. Some days you feel like going back to bed and crawling into a fetal ball.

I get that. I feel that way from time to time. And yet I do not.

Consider the position of Chester Nimitz when he took over the Pacific Fleet on December 31, 1941. The battle line was either at the bottom of Pearl Harbor, trapped behind sunken ships, or had been sent to the West Coast because Hawaii was viewed as too dangerous. The Japanese were running amok over most of the Pacific. Guam and Wake Island had fallen. The Philippines had been invaded, as had British and Dutch possessions in the Pacific and bordering the South China Sea.

Nor would things get better for another four months. Not until May would the Japanese advance be blunted, and not until June would it have been finally stopped. It would have been easy for Nimitz to declare the situation hopeless and give up. But he did not. He did what he thought was right. Three years and nine months later, he was part of a delegation standing on the deck of a US battleship in Tokyo Harbor accepting the surrender of the Empire of Japan.

Today we are currently at the same type of impasse faced by Nimitz 72 years ago. But we are already seeing cracks in the Progressive and Woke Iron Curtain that has fallen across the United States. In Harris County, TX Woke incumbent county judges got defeated in their primary elections – by fellow Democrats. Parents across the country are turfing out Woke school board members. Leaders like DeSantis are showing the way to fight back. State legislatures are beginning to reign in Woke Universities. The tide is beginning to turn – but ultimate victory depends on those of us on the real right side of history – the side that believes in the power of individual liberty and free markets – to not walk away in despair.

Published in Group Writing

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