
Quote of the Day: A Gift? - Ricochet.com

I just think COVID is God’s gift to the left. That’s a terrible thing to say. I think it was a very difficult thing to send down to us, but it has ripped the Band-Aid off who [Trump] is and what he stands for and what is being done to average people and working people in this country. — Jane Fonda

At first, it seemed that Hanoi Jane was right. The left didn’t let the crisis go to waste and used it as a weapon against free people. They even tried to curtail free speech.

The George Floyd incident added even more fuel to the fire — literally speaking.

The Left was on a roll … and then it wasn’t. What happened?

The crisis gave the exasperatingly inattentive suburban voters a chance to see the Left up close. It wasn’t a pretty sight. That inattentive group included parents, who finally saw what the Left was doing to their children.

Then there was crime and inflation, and a very stupid and nasty-dispositioned, leftist administration that appears to be deliberately harming the country.

The list goes on.

Hanoi Jane’s gift backfired.  The “Band-Aid” got ripped off of the Left, and people can see who they really are.

Even large corporations are backing away from wokery.

I hope the backlash is just beginning and that it will be wide and deep.

May it continue.

Published in Group Writing

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