
Almanac - Monday 6/27/22 - KALW

Today is Monday, the 27th of June of 2022,

June 27 is the 178th day of the year

187 days remain until the end of the year.

87 days until autumn begins

The sun rose this morning in San Francisco at 5:50:00 am

and the sun will set at 8:36:03 pm.

Today we will have 14 hours and 46 minutes of daylight

The solar transit will be at 1:13:01 pm

The first low tide was at 4:55 am at -0.51 feet

The first high tide will be at 12:03 pm at 4.62 feet

The next low tide will be at 4:21 pm at 3.23 feet

and the final high tide at Ocean Beach tonight will be at 10:05 pm at 6.22 feet

The Moon will be 2.3% visible

It’s a Waning Crescent

We will have a New Moon tomorrow Tuesday the 28th of June of 2022 at 7:52 pm in 2 days

Today is…

"Happy Birthday to You" Day

It’s the birthday in 1859 of Mildred Hill who wrote the melody we know as “Happy Birthday To You”

Decide to Be Married Day

Helen Keller Day

born on this day in 1880Helen Keller, American author, academic, and activist (d. 1968)

Industrial Workers of the World Day

The “Wobblies” had their first meeting on this day in 1905

National Bingo Day

National HIV Testing Day

National Ice Cream Cake Day

National (native) Indian Pudding Day

National Orange Blossom Day

National Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Day

Please Take My Children to Work Day

Sunglasses Day

Today is also…

Canadian Multiculturalism Day

Commemoration Day for the Victims of the Communist Regime in the Czech Republic

Day of Turkmen Workers of Culture and Art and poetry of Magtymguly Pyragy in Turkmenistan

Independence Day, celebrates the independence of Djibouti from France in 1977.

Mixed Race Day in Brazil

Seven Sleepers' Day or Siebenschläfertag in Germany

Unity Day is Tajikistan

On this day in history…

1895 – The inaugural run of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad's Royal Blue from Washington, D.C., to New York City, the first U.S. passenger train to use electric locomotives.

1905 – During the Russo-Japanese War, sailors start a mutiny aboard the Russian battleship Potemkin.

1946 – In the Canadian Citizenship Act, the Parliament of Canada establishes the definition of Canadian citizenship.

1974U.S. president Richard Nixon visits the Soviet Union.

1977 – France grants independence to Djibouti.

1981 – The Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party issues its "Resolution on Certain Questions in the History of Our Party Since the Founding of the People's Republic of China", laying the blame for the Cultural Revolution on Mao Zedong.

…and if today is your birthday, Happy Birthday to You! You share this special day with…

1850 – Lafcadio Hearn, Greek-Japanese historian and author (d. 1904)

1869 – Emma Goldman, Lithuanian-Canadian philosopher and activist (d. 1940)

1872 – Paul Laurence Dunbar, American author, poet, and playwright (d. 1906)

1880Helen Keller, American author, academic, and activist (d. 1968)

1925 – Doc Pomus, American singer-songwriter (d. 1991)

1930Ross Perot, American businessman and politician (d. 2019)

1932 – Anna Moffo, American operatic soprano (d. 2006)

1936Lucille Clifton, American author and poet (d. 2010)

1938Bruce Babbitt, American lawyer and politician, 47th United States Secretary of the Interior

1942 – Danny Schechter, American director, producer, and screenwriter (d. 2015)

1953 – Alice McDermott, American novelist

1959Dan Jurgens, American author and illustrator

1974Christian Kane, American singer-songwriter and actor

1975 – Bianca Del Rio, American drag queen & comedian

1975 – Tobey Maguire, American actor

1984Khloé Kardashian, American model, businesswoman, and radio host

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Labels: Star is born today

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