
8 quotes by President Porter in honor of her birthday - Church News

Incoming Primary General President Susan H. Porter, who becomes president tomorrow, Aug. 1, was born on July 31, 1955. She was sustained as first counselor in the Primary general presidency during April 2021 general conference and sustained as the Primary general president in April 2022 general conference. She also served on the Relief Society general advisory council and in ward and stake Relief Society and Young Women presidencies and as a Gospel Doctrine teacher and Primary music leader.

President Porter was born in Ponca City, Oklahoma, and grew up in western New York. She married Bruce D. Porter on Feb. 2, 1977, in the Washington D.C. Temple. They have four children. Elder Porter was a General Authority Seventy when he died in 2016.

She earned a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Brigham Young University and worked as a lab assistant at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a part-time math teacher, a piano teacher and a volunteer with various community organizations.

In honor of President Porter’s birthday today, here are eight of her quotes from the past year.

1. The impact and influence of women

“I think of the impact that women across the Church could have, if with each calling that came to them — as a Primary teacher, as a Young Women leader — [they] can have profound influence on those they teach and minister to, when they speak and act under inspiration of God through that priesthood authority, bringing souls to Christ, changing hearts.”

 — “Episode 93: New Primary General President Susan H. Porter on how teaching and serving children can be life-changing,” July 19, 2022


The Primary general presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints beginning Aug. 1, 2022: Sister Amy Eileen Wright, first counselor, left, President Susan H. Porter, center, and Sister Tracy Y. Browning, second counselor. New General Authority Seventies and general officers were called during the Saturday afternoon session of the 192nd Annual General Conference, at the Conference Center on April 2, 2022.

La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días

2. The 3 most important labels

“What’s most important is how we honor those three most important labels [‘child of God,’ ‘child of the covenant’ and ‘disciple of Jesus Christ’ as taught by President Russell M. Nelson]. The most important thing is not if I’ve had the opportunity to marry or if I’ve had the opportunity to have children. It’s how we honor those most important labels of being a child of God. How are we honoring our covenants? How are we being a disciple of Christ?

“Let those be preeminent, and then other life experiences certainly inform our lives and our outlooks and our experiences, but that’s not actually who we are.”

— “What President Porter learned about labels after her husband’s death,” July 18, 2022

Elder Bruce D. and Sister Susan H. Porter pose for a photo in 2011. Elder Porter died in December 2016. Sister Porter was called as first counselor in the Primary general presidency in April 2021.

Elder Bruce D. Porter and Sister Susan H. Porter pose for a photo in 2011. Elder Porter died in December 2016. Sister Porter was called as first counselor in the Primary general presidency in April 2021. She will be begin serving as the Primary general president on Aug. 1, 2022.

La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días

3. Tender hearts toward children

“I often think about the importance of having tender hearts toward children. A lot of them are suffering in so many ways — war, famine, food insecurity, anxiety, family challenges, the pandemic — so, my heart has turned to the Lord, trying to receive revelation as to how we can strengthen and bless His children around the world.”

— “‘It’s in the doing’ – How Susan H. Porter hopes to help strengthen the faith of children as Primary general president,” July 2, 2022 

4. The Lord’s help

“Have you ever faced a situation or accepted a calling that seemed beyond your capacity to fulfill? I think the answer for all of us is ‘yes!’ I have gained solace from the words of the Lord to Joshua when he was called to lead the children of Israel after the great prophet Moses was taken up to heaven. The Lord declared, ‘As I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee’ (Joshua 1:5).”

Facebook post, May 24, 2022

5. Healing, strengthening power

“Sisters, the power is in us to bring to pass much righteousness! ...

“I have come to know that as we strive to honor sacred covenants made at baptism and in holy temples, the Lord will bless us “with His healing, strengthening power” and with “spiritual insights and awakenings [we’ve] never had before” (Russell M. Nelson, “The Temple and Your Spiritual Foundation,” general conference, Oct. 2021).

Instagram post, April 27, 2022 

6. ‘Our lives are sacred’

“Sisters, I know that many of you feel as I did, unsure how to face difficult challenges and loss — loss because your life is not unfolding in the way you had hoped for, prayed for and planned for.

“No matter our circumstances, our lives are sacred and have meaning and purpose. Each of us is a beloved daughter of God, born with divinity in our souls.”

— “Lessons at the Well,” April 2, 2022

7. About service

“The question we all asked was, ‘What should we do?’  ...

“Everywhere I’ve been, I’ve met other women who are interested in service. This kind of thing is very doable everywhere.”

— “‘Many Faiths, One Heart’ brings women together to serve,” March 20, 2022

8. God’s love

“God’s love is not found in the circumstances of our lives but in His presence in our lives. We know of His love when we receive strength beyond our own and when His Spirit brings peace, comfort and direction. At times it may be difficult to feel His love. We can pray to have our eyes opened to see His hand in our lives and to see His love in the beauty of His creations.”

—“God’s Love: The Most Joyous to the Soul,” Oct. 2, 2021


Sister Susan H. Porter, first counselor in the Primary general presidency, speaks during the Saturday afternoon session of the 191st Semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at the Conference Center in Salt Lake City on Oct. 2, 2021.

La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días

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