
Quote of the Day: The Constitution - Ricochet.com

“The Constitution is not the law that governs us, it is the law that governs those who govern us.” – Randy E. Barnett

On this Independence Day weekend, it is as instructive to reflect on the Constitution as it is to reflect on the Declaration of Independence. If all have “certain inalienable rights,” the Constitution is the tool to preserve them. That is why I like this quote. Professor Barnett reminds us of the real purpose of the Constitution. To prevent our President Brandons from becoming Prime Minister Fidel Trudeaus.

This was the most important thing that came out of the last two weeks of this term’s Supreme Court session. It served as a reminder that we are a limited government that must respect (or at least grudgingly concede to) our enumerated rights.

Will the government do so? Who knows? I have put my money down that they will not. Perhaps that is another thing to remember on Independence Day weekend. Freedom is not price-free. It comes at a cost, and must be guarded and renewed every generation.

Published in Group Writing

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