“The problem is not that the system has become corrupt, but that corruption has become the system.” – Joe Mannix
Today, over 60% of Americans view the Federal government as corrupt. That is up from 44% in 2017, a dramatic rise. We see plenty of evidence of it every day; a two-tiered justice system, laws and government handouts that favor a small elite, casual disregard of statute law by federal officials. Even on local levels, it has become endemic. No one is held responsible for rising crime in our big cities. Even in small-town America, accountability seems absent. Not one person has been fired over the screwups in Uvalde that led to the death of 19 children. Corruption has become the system.
Those within the system refuse to take responsibility for their failures and use it only to enrich themselves. What can be done? The citizens of this country need to force accountability on those within the government. The starting point is the ballot box this November. That is only the starting point. Citizens need to begin appearing at city council meetings, school board meetings, and county commission meetings. They need to make their voices heard and let those running local government know they are watching. They should flood the local media with letters demanding government accountability. They should contact their state and Federal representative and let them know we are watching.
Will it be easy? No. But freedom isn’t free. It comes at the price of toil, sweat, and blood. We have been riding on the accumulated toil, sweat, and blood of past generations for the last 20 years, and that account is tapped out. It is time for us to renew it, and cleanse the corruption in our government. Now is the time to take action, because at present the price will be toil and sweat. But while you can vote yourself into socialism, once there you have to shoot your way out of it.
You do not have to take action. You can do nothing and accept serfdom.
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