
Quote of the Day: Golden Eggs - Ricochet.com

“In short, killing the goose that lays the golden egg is a viable political strategy, so long as the goose does not die before the next election and no one traces the politicians’ fingerprints on the murder weapon.” – Thomas Sowell

Sowell wrote this many years ago — in the 1990s as I recall.  The goose was still alive. Now? If not dead, it is dying. If it is not dead by November, it will be soon afterward. The ordered, safe life we have enjoyed since the fall of the Soviet Union is coming to a close.

Until this Administration ends we will be subject to runaway inflation, supply chain collapses, and shortages of all sorts of goods. Tampons and baby formula are just the beginning. Other, unexpected critical shortages are likely to follow.  This will be accompanied by high crime and the end of civil society.  Those running the country are too interested in what they can skim off for themselves to care about keeping the country running. The same thing is true in many major cities, especially those with Democrats in the Governor’s chair.

Will the November election change things?  Some, but not enough. The national government will still be in the hands of grifters and looters. (Thanks Never-Trumpers! You’ve bound us to a government by organized crime.) Even if we get the reddest of red waves, we are unlikely to be able to remove the current administration until January 20, 2025.

So prepare for a two-year siege of adversity — really three years, because it will take at least a year to undo the damage done. Stock up on food and medicine to protect against interruptions. Keep your assets liquid. Learn how to use firearms if you do not already know. Do what you can to put your local government — state, county, city, and school district — into sane hands. (It is even happening in San Francisco.) If possible move to a red state (or the reddest area you can in your blue state).

I am not saying quit your job, go off the grid, and prepare for doomsday. We need to do what we can to preserve civilization.  Running and hiding will not do that. What I am saying is you will need to develop the resiliency necessary to participate in that struggle. The old order is ending. What the new order will become depends on what we do.

Published in Group Writing

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