
Quote of the Day: Corporate Smoke Screens Disguise the Left - Ricochet.com

“The fundamental problem with wokeness isn’t just that it offers the wrong answer to the question of who we are. The deeper problem is that it forecloses the possibility of shared solidarity as Americans. If we see each other as nothing more than the color of our skin, our gender, our sexual orientation, or the number of digits in our bank accounts, then it becomes impossibly difficult to find commonality with those who don’t share those characteristics. Yet if we define ourselves on a plurality of attributes, then we find our path to true solidarity as a people.”

― Vivek Ramaswamy, Woke, Inc.: Inside Corporate America’s Social Justice Scam

If we were honest with ourselves, most of us would acknowledge that we want to be seen as someone “unique.” But the Woke Left thinks that those attributes come from superficial factors, not from who we are and what we offer to the world. I could tell you that I’m a white woman, a writer, a Jew, a wife, a teacher, and they will give you a glimmer of an idea of what I’m made of and who I am. But in fact, I am much more than any of those characteristics.

So, I reject those descriptions that the Woke population tries to force upon me; when I meet others, I try to see beyond the obvious perceptions of who they are: What things enrich their lives? What do they treasure about their relationships? What activities bring joy to their lives? What is a favorite way for them to spend their time? And that is only the beginning of that journey.

These are the kinds of discussions that take us deeper, that enlighten us, that build bridges, and nurture relationships. A person who looks into these questions and values them is living a life of legitimate “wokeness.”

These are the people I treasure in my life.

Published in Group Writing

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