Sister Rebecca L. Craven, the second counselor in the Young Women general presidency, was born on Oct. 26, 1959, in Ohio. Her parents joined the Church when she was 4 years old, while her father, a career Army officer, was stationed in Texas. Growing up, she lived in Germany, England and various U.S. states.
Sister Craven met her husband, Brother Ronald C. Craven, on a blind date. They were married Aug. 5, 1980, in the Salt Lake Temple and are the parents of five children. She and her husband served as mission leaders of the North Carolina Charlotte Mission. She has been president of ward Relief Society and Young Women organizations and has served as an ordinance worker in the Bountiful Utah Temple.
She received a bachelor’s degree in interior design from Brigham Young University. She has served on the BYU athletic advisory committee, and also as an executive board member of the international charitable organization CHOICE Humanitarian.
In honor of Sister Craven’s birthday today, here are eight notable quotes from her over the past year.
1. For the Strength of Youth conferences
“We are hearing life-changing experiences from youth and their YSA counselors. They are going home with new habits and testimonies that they may not have recognized in the past.”
— A historic summer of FSY, Sept. 25, 2022
2. Clean windows
Sister Rebecca L. Craven likens cleaning windows to repentance in a Facebook post on Sept. 13, 2022.
Screenshot from Facebook
“Daily cleaning of our own windows is done through the cherished gift of repentance. Sometimes we may feel that our windows are too dirty or too far out of reach, so why even bother cleaning them? Why? Because the light is there, and the effort is worth it!”
— This Week on Social, Sept. 13, 2022
3. Be square
Sister Rebecca L. Craven, second counselor in the Young Women general presidency, speaks to missionaries at the Missionary Training Center in Manilla, Philippines, on Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2022.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Sister Craven pointed to the principle of squares and how squares are an essential part of the gospel, such as raising the hands in a square means making and keeping covenants.
Heavenly Father wants missionaries to be square. “To be square means to be honest, direct, true and strict.”
— Young Women and Primary leaders minister in the Philippines, Aug. 31, 2022
4. Feeling the Spirit at FSY
“Because when they are together, when they’re gathered together, and they’re bonding with other youth who have made similar covenants that they have made, the Spirit can be felt in a whole variety of ways and activities. We have to remember that the Spirit is very individual, because we are so individual, and our youth are so individual.”
— Church News podcast, June 14, 2022
5. Stay close to the prophet
“With the world expressing more doubt about God and confusion and pressures increasing, this is the time we must stay closest to the prophet. As he is the Lord’s mouthpiece, we can trust that what he urges, counsels, and pleads with us to do are things that matter most.”
— Instagram post, May 16, 2022
6. Conversion comes by doing
Sister Rebecca L. Craven, second counselor in the Young Women general presidency, speaks during the women’s session of the 192nd Annual General Conference on April 2, 2022.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
“Conversion won’t come while doing nothing. It comes through the power of the Holy Ghost as we intentionally make an effort by asking, seeking and knocking. It comes by doing.”
— ‘Do What Mattereth Most,’ April 2022 general conference
7. Spiritual air
Sister Rebecca L. Craven Second Counselor General Young Women Presidency, and her husband, Brother Ronald L. Craven, in Salt Lake City on Monday, April 2, 2018.
Scott G Winterton, Deseret News
“A parachute needs drag to stay inflated and keep a jumper safe until he lands. Similarly, we must stay in the safest path we can to make our heavenly destination. Gospel teachings, prophetic counsel, and the Holy Ghost are each safety nets to keep us spiritually inflated and help us stay safe from free falling through life without control, or worse, crashing to the ground.”
— Facebook post, Jan. 14, 2022
8. Dignity and demeanor of disciples
Sister Rebecca L. Craven teaches about the dignity and demeanor of a disciple of Jesus Christ during a BYU devotional at the Marriott Center in Provo, Utah, on Oct. 19, 2021.
Nate Edwards, BYU
“Literally and specifically, we are sons and daughters of heavenly parents. ... Knowing our identity fortifies us against our culture of comparing, complaining and criticizing.”
— BYU devotional, Oct. 19, 2021
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