Of all my relationships, one of the nearest and dearest to my heart is my relationship with my grandkids. Grandparents play important roles in the lives of their grandchildren — teaching them, caring for them, and making memories with them. If you’re a grandparent, you know that the roles of grandma and grandpa are unique, a kind of perfect love that can warm your heart even in the toughest times. Their laughter, honesty, and curiosity about the world around them makes me feel young again, particularly when I’m with my grandbaby. (Her giggle is infectious!)
Thinking about their pure joy — and the pure joy they’ve renewed in me — I searched for inspirational quotes and grandchildren sayings to capture my feelings. Turns out, I’m not the only gal enchanted by her grandkids. Here are some of my favorite love quotes for grandparents. Some are family quotes; others are specific to grandparents; all reflect the wonder of children.
The Best Grandchildren Quotes To Brighten Your Day
How do I find the words to share just how much I love my grandkids? When my grown-up children had little ones of their own, it felt like the greatest blessing and greatest gift. Here are some of my favorite grandchildren quotes and grandparent quotes.
1. “We measure the joy of grandchildren in the heart.” — Unknown
This quote speaks to something grandma and grandpa know well. One of the greatest joys in the life of a grandparent is the chance to watch their grandchildren find their joy. These little sweeties are happy, magical people with a world to explore. If we’re lucky, we’ll get to accompany them on their journey.
2. “Grandchildren are the dots that connect the lines from generation to generation.” — Lois Wyse
Lois Wyse was a powerful businesswoman and prolific writer who understood the importance of leaving a legacy. Her words remind us that grandchildren exist within the great tapestry of our families, and that they will pass our stories and family traditions to our great-grandchildren when the time comes. They may be small now, but their role in the family is important and lasting.
3. “There is no greater achievement than being a grandfather who tells fairy tales to grandchildren.” — Eraldo Banovac
Professor Eraldo Banovac reminds us that grandparents bring joy and magic to the lives of their grandchildren. What is more special or memorable to a child than sitting on grandma’s lap and listening to stories about adventure, love, friendship, or a pot of gold? As grandparents, we have the chance to share our favorite stories and connect with our little ones in magical lands and wonderful dreams.
4. “Surely, two of the most satisfying experiences in life must be those of being a grandchild and or a grandparent.” — Donald A. Norber
This quote is a simple and wonderful reminder that grandparents and grandchildren share a special relationship unlike any other. It is a friendship of caretaker and charge, memory-keeper, and more, all of which contribute to this perfect love. There is much to be shared between grandparent and grandchild that helps to make this dynamic so unique.
5. “When you have a grandchild, it fills a space in your heart that you never realized was empty.” — Unknown
This quote reminds us that grandchildren are a blessing unlike any other. They bring something to our lives that simply can’t be found in any other experience or life event, and they fill our hearts and souls with more laughter and innocence than we’ve known in decades. To have a grandchild is to have a particularly fulfilled and wonderful life replete with wonder and joy.
6. “Few things are more delightful than grandchildren fighting over your lap.” — Doug Larson
As I age, my priorities have begun to shift and change. When I was first blessed with grandchildren, those priorities came to include their care, health, and happiness. And what’s happier for grandparents than the feeling of being beloved by your grandchildren? This quote by columnist Doug Larson reminds me that sometimes it’s the smallest things in life that mean the most.
7. “Grandmothers are simply antique little girls.” — Unknown
You can’t go wrong with funny grandchildren quotes like this humorous and poignant quote. One of the reasons that grandmothers and granddaughters get along so well is because they stand side by side despite the many years that separate them. Granddaughters offer an opportunity for grandmothers to embrace all the adventurous, funny, and delightful things they love and to create a lasting friendship full of wonder and discovery.
8. “I’ve always enjoyed seeing the world through the eyes of my grandchildren.” — Neil Sedaka
Neil Sedaka is an American singer-songwriter who has written some of my favorite songs. As an artist who sees the world through a creative lens, Sedaka reminds us that children have a viewpoint full of joy and magic. When we listen to their stories, feed their imaginations, and follow them into their magical lands, we feel the magic their world is made of.
9. “One of the most powerful handclasps is that of a new grandbaby around the finger of a grandfather.” — Joy Hargrove
One of the reasons this quote by Joy Hargrove is on my list of favorite grandchildren quotes is because it’s so natural. When I felt the small tug of my first grandchild’s hands wrapping around my own, it warmed my heart more than I thought was possible. It reminds me that grandparents fall in love with their grandchildren from the first glance. Although they may be small, our grandchildren have an impossibly large hold on our hearts.
10. “Every house needs a grandmother in it.” — Louisa May Alcott
Louisa May Alcott is the iconic writer of the American classic Little Women. Her stories pay homage to women in the home and in the world and highlight the many unique gifts women have to share. This quote speaks to the importance of grandmothers. Nanas add something special to every home, whether beloved stories or a shoulder to cry on. Throughout history, writers and storytellers have recognized the importance of having a grandmother near.
11. “When parents turn into grandparents, something magical happens.” — Unknown
This quote speaks to the change we each experience when we become grandparents. The lucky among us who get to experience this circle of love know its overwhelming joy, wonder, and hope. Truly, there is no other way to think about the journey toward grandparenthood than as something magical.
12. “A grandparent is a parent, a teacher, and a best friend all in one.” — Unknown
To be a grandparent is to play many roles. It’s to help guide the little ones through the challenges of life, and to prepare them for whatever the road ahead holds. It’s to offer education, answers, and tools to explore and to encourage them in whatever endeavor they pursue. It’s to be a friend, a confidant, and an adventure buddy, joining them as they see the world for the first time. What’s more special than that?
The Last Words
It’s easy to understand the importance of family, community, and friends. And what’s more special than bringing a child into the world or the day we welcome the children of our children? Grandparents know that grandchildren bring that special, magical, and joyful view of the world that affects us until we can’t help but feel hopeful and joyful, too.
That’s why I was so excited to share this collection of grandkids quotes and grandma and grandpa quotes. Whether humorous and light or celebrating the bond that forms when a grandchild takes their grandparent’s hand in their own, these quotes speak to the importance of family, tradition, and love passed down through the generations.
Explore even more quotes for all special occasions and relationships here at Woman’s World, and share the ones that are most close to the heart today.
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