May we hear the message afresh today and tomorrow--news of the birth of Jesus, the light of the world--great news, glorious news, life-changing news. Yet we’re not the first to hear the great news of Jesus’ birth. So, this week we’ve intentionally returned to the first century to learn from those who were actually the first to discover the great news: Mary, Joseph, Elizabeth, and today, the shepherds.
The nativity sets we place in our homes would seem woefully incomplete without the shepherds and their sheep. We love the shepherds, and their presence has become normal, expected, even routine. But we should consider how unlikely these characters would have been in this, the most sacred scene of the nativity of Jesus our Lord. Nobody would have designed it this way. The shepherds weren’t the educated ones, nor the highly religious ones, nor the ones who were the most proper and acceptable. In fact, they weren’t even the cleanest people to have near the long-awaited baby in the manger.
So, the shepherds’’ presence in the nativity scene was a startling development, and an unmistakable part of the gospel message. They hold a special place in the scene as reminders that God has truly come to you, to me, and to all of us. We can confidently place ourselves in the scene right alongside these shepherds, knowing the Christmas message is indeed great news for you and me.
So today, let’s hear afresh this great news of the messenger from God saying, “I bring good news to you—wonderful, joyous news for all people. Your savior is born today in David’s city. He is Christ the Lord.” And then let’s travel along with the shepherds to Jesus’ side to “confirm what the Lord has revealed to us.”
This year, may we rediscover Jesus, the light of all people, who is truly with us and may we know that God’s light does indeed shine in the darkness, and that the darkness will not overtake it.
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