
Quote of the Day: Marriage - Ricochet.com

Bachelors know more about women than married men; if they didn’t they’d be married too. – H. L. Mencken

I have been invited to a wedding today. I don’t know the couple very well. They are a young couple that started attending my church a year or two ago.  I approve of marriage on principle and they are a nice pair of folks, so I will be attending the ceremony. I want to encourage the institution. It is necessary for the preservation of civilization, and I would rather live in a civilized world.

Yet I have to admit on one level Mencken is right. Marriage requires a high level of commitment and (yes) sacrifice to succeed. On that level, a sensible person would run screaming from marriage. You can live along quite comfortably when you are the only person to consider. If you want to avoid conflict, stay single.

Marriage is an adventure requiring two for success. Both have to work at it. When it succeeds, it succeeds magnificently. When it fails, it generally fails spectacularly. If I had known as much about women as most bachelors, I probably would not have gotten married. The odds of failure are high. But oh, the rewards if you succeed. It is a gamble, especially today. But, like any startup, the rewards are worth it.

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