
Quote of the Day: Menaces to Civilization - Ricochet.com

“There is no more dangerous menace to civilization than a government of incompetent, corrupt, or vile men. The worst evils which mankind ever had to endure were inflicted by governments.” – Ludwig von Mises

We saw examples of the effects of government by incompetent, corrupt, or vile men illustrated over the last few weeks.

For the effects of incompetence, look to Maui and the Lahaina fire. Every one of those deaths is due to criminal incompetence on the part of government officials. Those running emergency services and first response made the worst possible decisions at every possible occasion. From neglecting to clear brush to setting up traffic barriers at the exits to Lahaina. All of those decisions were made out of ignorance and incompetence for the best of intentions.

As for corruption? Look no further than the Hunter Biden story and the corruption rife in those in the White House and Department of Justice to protect him and the Biden crime family. The greatest evil that has unleashed is undermining belief in the rule of law. Without rule of law, which is underpinned by the belief the laws will be applied equally and without favor, societies revert to Blackthorn’s state of nature. This is not Rosseau’s Arcadian paradise.  It is Hobbes’s vision of life that is ‘solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.’

To see vile, look at the indictment of Trump by the truly vile Fani Willis. In her attempt to bring down Trump, she is attempting to criminalize political activities. If Trump is convicted and the conviction upheld, it will abridge the First Amendment right of free speech, the right to peaceably assembly, and the right to petition for redress of grievances by turning them into potentially criminal activities.

Seeking to criminalize political opposition is something that starts civil wars. Julius Caesar did not cross the Rubicon with his army because he wanted to become Rome’s dictator. He did it because if he didn’t his political opponents would arrest him of false charges, convict him, and either exile or execute him. He knew they would.  They were boasting of it, secure he could not successfully oppose them without an army. Rather than meekly submit, he decided to risk all on a military intervention.

That is the best-known instance, but I can cite examples from then to the present. No. I am not saying Trump will start a civil war. But push this type of thing, and someone will. I am pretty sure there are those currently ruling in DC that are praying to their particular Moloch for this to happen, sure that with their F-15 and atom bombs, they have the upper hand. As if Afghanistan did not happen and does not serve as a counterexample.

Buckle up. It’s going to be a rough ride.

Published in Group Writing

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