
Photo of rat droppings on Domino's pizza goes viral

(Meredith) – A Domino's store in northeastern Tennessee has come under scrutiny after a photo of raw pizza dough covered with rat droppings went viral on Reddit.

The photo was posted May 1 by an anonymous user under the name matchgame74, who claims to be an employee of the restaurant. The photo was posted with the caption, "Welcome to Domino's... And no, we don't carry chocolate chip pizza dough."

The user matchgame74 also commented on the photo, writing, "Management, including the operations manager have been aware of this for months. So if they aren’t going to fix it, maybe this will?"

The photo prompted a visit by the Department of Health the day after it was posted, according to WJHL.

WJHL also reports that during the inspection, health inspectors noted seeing "numerous rodent droppings on floors, on shelving in the toilet room and on boxes and shelving the walk-in cooler."

Inspectors said they looked through all the trays of dough and found 14 trays contaminated with rodent droppings, either in the tray or in the raw dough. 

A health inspection report said the contaminated trays of dough were immediately discarded into the garbage.

Domino's spokesman Tim McIntyre told WJHL this was an extremely isolated incident confined to a single store.

"The affected trays were removed; all others were inspected and new ones were delivered. The health department then cleared the store to open. The store is clean, open and back in business," McIntyre said.

According to health inspection reports, the store in question has had a rodent problem for at least three years.

The store is located at 2694 Boones Creek Road in Gray, Tennessee, in the northeastern part of the state near the Virginia border.

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