- A video posted over the weekend on Twitter has gone viral, racking up over 21.3 million views. It shows a woman pouring dish soap on her floor and using the slippery surface as a makeshift treadmill.
- Not surprisingly, that is not the best way to get an at-home workout in. The do-anywhere moves below can help you get your heart rate up in a less dangerous and more effective way.
Plenty of people don’t want to pay for a gym membership, or don’t have time to make it every day, which means improvising. Bodyweight workouts are a great way to get in an effective home workout, but it seems once again the internet has a more creative way to get your heart rate up.
A video of a DIY treadmill is going viral on Twitter captioned “I can’t afford a gym membership so 😂.” It features an...innovative?...homemade treadmill, where the runner uses dish soap on the floor to get up to speed, and grasps the stove and counter as handrails.
Here at Runner’s World, we are all for doing what you can to fit in a workout, but this method seemed more than a little suspect. And founder of Le Sweat Charlee Atkins, C.S.C.S., agrees right there with us that there is definitely no benefit to this DIY method.
“Hard no,” Atkins said. “Soap is a household item used for cleaning, not a tool for working out.”
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While in theory this dish soap method mimics a conventional treadmill—your feet sliding over a solid surface—you should not try this at home. It puts you at risk for injury, and, well, there are way more effective things you can be doing with your time if you want to up your fitness.
“The more you move and the more intensity you add to the movement either via resistance (bodyweight) or frequency (speed at which you move) will guarantee an elevation of the heart rate,” Atkins said. “You don’t need an arsenal of equipment; bodyweight is sufficient. All you need to add is movement in the form of exercises and intensity at which you’re moving.”
If you want to eschew the gym for a heart-pumping workout, try full-body movements you can do anywhere such as mountain climbers, burpees, and squats. These recruit a lot more muscle groups, so your heart rate elevates more. Using sliders or even household towels for moves can give you that “sliding” feel, if that’s something you’re going for—no need to reach for the dish soap.
Plank March
Start in high plank position, with arms straight, wrists directly under shoulders, body forming a straight line from your head to heels. Bend right elbow to lower right forearm to the floor. Lower left forearm to the floor. Extend the right arm, then the left arm to return to starting position. Continue to repeat, alternating which arm you start with each time.
Stand with feet hip-width apart. Place hands down in front of feet, then jump feet back to a high plank position, keeping hips up and in line with shoulders and heels. Drop chest to the ground. Push back up, without arching back, as you jump feet back to hands. Stand and jump up. Repeat from the top for 10 to 15 reps.
Plyo Lunge
Stand with feet hip-width apart. Step left foot back and lower into a lunge, knees forming 90-degree angles. Drive through right heel to jump up, switching legs in the air. Land in a lunge position with left leg forward. Continue alternating lunges with a jump in the middle, aiming to increase time in the air and decrease time on the ground. Do 10 to 15 reps per side.
Mountain Climbers
Assume a high plank position, hands beneath shoulders, body forming a straight line parallel to the floor. Drive right knee toward chest. As you return right leg to starting position, drive left knee toward chest. Continue to alternate as fast as possible without stopping.
High Knees
Start standing and hold both hands out, palms down. Drive right knee to right palm. Immediately drive left knee to left palm as you return right leg to starting position. Stay light on your toes and the balls of your feet. Continue to repeat as fast as possible.
Plank to Pike
Start in high plank position with towel underneath both feet. Engage core to pull your feet toward your chest and lift hips up as you slide the towel forward to your feet. Return to starting position. Repeat. Complete 10 to 12 reps.
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