A discussion that unsurprisingly ensued on social media, as more and more criticism was levelled against the six women, was that if instead of the six women, there were six men who had followed and shouted down the woman in the video, their actions would have met with outrage.
The problem with this ‘if it were men’ argument is its ‘easy’ exchange of gender. Men, in a patriarchal setup, have more access to public spaces, more freedom to express their opinions openly and (often) loudly, they tend to be taken seriously — much more seriously than ‘young girls’ — and are not usually questioned on their choice of attire.
So ‘if it were men’, then the entire context of the incident would change. What would also change are the power equations and the woman’s reaction. Fear would come in as would the threat of violence, this time from the men rather than from the woman.
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