The I, Anonymous Blog is good for many things—no, seriously! But it's most helpful function is supplying the world with a way to give un-asked for advice anonymously. For example, the I, Anonymous submission from this helpful young lady:
To the handsome young man living in my apartment building: I'm a young, attractive, SINGLE female. I think you're very cute, and would love to add you to my rotation of young suitors, but… your unicycle? That's a deal breaker. It's clear you love your unicycle; you even had it fitted with a thick mountain bike tire (all the better for extreme urban unicycling). And okay, to tell you the truth, your athleticism is kind of impressive. It's not that I hate all one-wheeled modes of transport, but I refuse to be "that girl whose boyfriend rocks a unicycle." Anyhow, I just wanted to let you know. Hopefully you'll read this and purchase a bike, car, or motorcycle—anything less childish than a unicycle—and then, please do give me a call. I'm waiting.—Anonymous
Do you have some advice (or a juicy rant or confession) you'd like to share with the world? Drop it off in the "home of the helpful people"—no, seriously—the I, Anonymous Blog.
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