
Quote of the Day: Quarantine vs. Tyranny - Ricochet.com

“Quarantine is when you restrict movement of sick people. Tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people.” – Meshawn Maddock, a protest organizer with the Michigan Conservative Coalition

We have seen this phrase pop up frequently since two weeks ago when Maddock was quoted as saying this by a news outlet. The reason why is the phrase rings true. While there was justification for a lockdown on March 15 (the last day I was able to attend a Sunday church service), that justification has long passed. We were told that we needed to lockdown for a month because it would keep hospitals from being overwhelmed and allow us to build up hospital capacity. That has been achieved. Any further lockdown is indeed tyranny.

I understand why politicians want to extend it. Ending the lockdown requires doing something. Keeping it going requires doing nothing. And doing something requires courage, something most politicians lack. Then they do what frightened people often do — lash out at those opposing them. It is the classic tactic of a bully because, at the core, all bullies are cowards.

Unfortunately, these bullies in power are aided by a legion of frightened people, people who are innumerate, and fail to understand mathematics, statistics, and science. And lacking faith in God, they instead blindly place their faith in the science and mathematics they fail to understand, taking the words of experts in those fields as holy writ, instead of a starting point for inquiry.

Cowardice and ignorance. It’s a powerful drug.

Published in Domestic Policy

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