IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Humanitarian, well-liked and cutting-edge, you're the bee's knees in popularity. Your lack of pretension lends remarkable success to work that you're involved in this year. You win an award and accolades. If single, you have a yearning to be loved, and your looks, charm and outgoing manner attract many. But this year, you still search. In 2023 you marry. If attached, with transparency, bliss ensues. AQUARIUS is as smart as you.
ARIES (March 21-April 19)
Relax with a favourite book on this cold day. Discuss travels and philosophical issues. Those you care most about love learning from, and with, you. Your optimistic and expansive state of mind aids in creating marvellous opportunities, too. Tonight: Let the good times roll on.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
Today you tend to investigate and analyze. It's a wonderful time to go over joint finances, and also to attend to tax and insurance matters. There's a new understanding of near-death experiences and your own views of the afterlife. Tonight: Peaceful meditation.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
Today tempts others to want to involve you in projects of great magnitude. There is opportunity here, but do think for yourself. Keep balance and perspective. Work on maintaining goodwill and co-operation with others. Tonight: You discover new potentials within longtime companions.
CANCER (June 21-July 22)
Show your love and concern in practical ways today. Prepare a nourishing dish or perform a chore for someone you care about. There's a more settled quality to your closest relationships. Tonight: A pet bonds with you especially well.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
You'll enjoy athletic and adventurous leisure time activities. Your creative talent earns admiration. A lighter workload leaves extra time to enjoy. An old love remembers you and tries to rekindle the flame. A love affair is sparked, if you're receptive. Tonight: Thinking it over.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
It's easy to be distracted today. Details must be resolved before ideas will work. Home life is improved if you use humour and patience in communicating with family or household members. Tonight: You can relax. There's a feeling of reprieve from demanding realities and pressures.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
You communicate with charm and clarity today. Write emails and make calls and text. A neighbour is kind and helpful. Take note of new ideas that leap into your thoughts. These can be invaluable if developed in the future. Tonight: Write them down!
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
You will enjoy beautiful possessions and will want to hold on to all that you treasure today. Shopping sprees result in important acquisitions. There's a yearning for more spending power and cash flow. Tonight: Extra work that promises to compensate you well is very attractive.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
You make constructive changes. It's a good time to polish your skills. You'll enjoy physical exercise and suddenly become more confident and assertive. You win everyone over to your viewpoint with your exceptional persuasive skills. Tonight: A marvellous time to make calls or write.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Deeper levels of consciousness open up. You might be more quiet than usual because you are especially impressionable today. You're quite psychically aware of the deepest inner feelings of others. Tonight: Others want to be closer. You retain an air of mystery.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Today makes you aware of the needs of a friend. Consider their feelings and motivations. Be helpful, yet realize you really can't take on the woes of another. Your circle of friends is beginning to shift. Tonight: People from diverse backgrounds add sophistication to your life.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
Put responsibility first, and an important person will be impressed. Hard work and effort will be rewarded. Some extra sleep is the best gift you can give yourself. You've been taking on an ambitious workload and can become quite fatigued. Tonight: Rest.
BORN TODAY: Baseballer Babe Ruth (1895), director François Truffaut (1932), musician Bob Marley (1945)
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