
Quote of the Day: Celebration - Ricochet.com

“I enjoy having a quiet celebration over good food with family and a few close friends.” — Sunny Singh

Everyone has an opportunity to celebrate something! Those occasions are sometimes official (birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, promotions). Sometimes we are moved to celebrate an accomplishment: completing a gun training course, finishing a medical treatment plan, going on a long-desired trip. And we all have different ways to celebrate.

When I graduated from high school, we had a closed night at Disneyland (back in the good ol’ days). Only high school graduates attended and you could jump on rides almost immediately.

Or there was the time we celebrated our 25th anniversary on the back of an elephant in Nepal—now that was special!

Or the time I celebrated my 70th birthday with a small group of friends at a favorite restaurant. That was so sweet. Lots of warmth and laughter

But sometimes my husband and I like to celebrate quietly. Putting a steak on the barbecue, baked potatoes, and a salad with my favorite dressing. Or celebrating my formal retirement together with a bottle of champagne.

Celebrations commemorate something special that we have accomplished, a journey we have had to endure, or just celebrating life. Some people don’t like celebrations; others look for any opportunity to break out the champagne.

Which kind of person are you?

And how do you like to celebrate?

What celebration memory stays with you?

[photo from unsplash.com]

Published in Group Writing

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