“They want you to think all conspiracies are nutty so you will ignore the ones that are true.” — Reggie from The X-Files
That’s from Season 11, Episode 4. And I fear Reggie may be right.
We know some powerful people were on Epstein’s island. We only knew who some of them were. We know from the work of Judge Silberman that the FBI has a long history of collecting dirt on Americans, using it for their own power; the FBI also has a history of being “used by presidents for nakedly political purposes.” No doubt there are, by now, federal intelligence people who have a gold mine of dirt from Epstein. Presumably they’re following the old pattern and using it. Maybe they do some good with it, but, on the whole, this stinks.
So there’s that.
But how bad is that? And who all is involved? And what else is there?
Well, there are the Twitter Files. That crap was illegal. That crap affected elections. That crap was powerful, and wrong. And if the feds were in Twitter, it’s hard to imagine them not being in Facebook, CNN, Fox News, ABC, CBS, NBC, and so on.
So there’s that.
But how bad is that? And what else is there?
Well, Russiagate was a sham. And the Hunter Biden laptop was real, with however much international corruption goes with it. Dan Bongino has been explaining on his podcast lately how much federal corruption connects to Obama. For example, Obama was in on the Hillary Clinton email scandal because communication with her illegal address was approved on his authority. And Biden influence-peddling could only work if he could influence Obama, who would almost certainly have known what Biden was up to.
So there’s all that. And . . . what else is there?
Well, there is the unfortunate fact that the federal health people are under the influence of Big Pharma. And then there are the revolving doors between Congress and the lobbying industry. And between federal regulators and the companies they regulate. And then there are the revolving doors between federal government work and the companies who do business with the government. And then there are the very significant levels of election illegalities.
So there’s that, and that, and that, and that, and even that.
But just how bad are those things? And . . . what else is there?
I worry that Reggie is right. Maybe they want some of us who find it easy to believe in such conspiracies to be barking up the wrong trees chasing moon landing fakery, chemtrails, and aliens. Maybe they want the rest of us to understand that the people who believe in conspiracies are the kind of weirdos who chase moon landing fakery, chemtrails, and aliens.
That way we won’t ask too many questions about the conspiring that’s actually happening.
Maybe that’s what they want.
Speaking of them, who are they?
Interestingly, S11/E4 of The X-Files introduced a one-time character named They–that’s Dr. They. Dr. They said something interesting too.
“They don’t really care whether the truth gets out, because the public no longer knows what’s meant by the truth. . . . I mean no one can tell the difference anymore between what’s real and what’s fake.” — Dr. They
It is pretty hard to know what’s real. Not that it’s impossible. But it sure can be hard. Sometimes we have a chance of figuring some of it out. I probably would have written off “stolen elections” along with the chemtrails and aliens if I hadn’t spent some time studying it and found out that it’s at least as bad as . . . well, it’s at least as bad as we know it is, which is kind of complicated but still really bad. (See the link above on the subject.)
I hope I’m not missing anything else worse! But I’m sure I’m missing something else. It’s not as bad as Dr. They says. It’s not as bad as The X-Files. But . . . I fear it’s very bad.
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